All public Bounds by Junge Uni Bonn
Junge Uni Bonn's Bounds

Volker Lannert/ Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Palace to palace
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Take part in the virtual university tour and explore the university from palace to palace.
Uni Bonn, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Uni, Tour

Meike Boeschemeyer/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Discover Campus Poppelsdorf
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and explore your potential place of study with this virtual university tour of the agricultural, mathematics and natural sciences campus in Poppelsdorf.
The tour starts at Poppelsdorfer Allee 49.
Tour, Uni, Bonn, Campus

Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Campus Endenich
by Junge Uni Bonn
The Endenich Campus - a campus in transition.
There is a lot going on in Endenich.
The campus is home to institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as areas for technology units and start-ups.
Set off and explore the campus between tradition and innovation.
Have fun!

Uni Bonn to go - Lexikonquiz
by Junge Uni Bonn
Das neue Quiz zum Junge Uni-Lexikon:
Teste Dich und Dein Wissen und schau nach, wie viel Du schon über die Uni Bonn weißt.
Beim Start des Bounds kannst Du u. a. aus 2 Varianten mit unterschiedlicher Spieldauer wählen.
Wenn Du Dir bei einer Frage nicht sicher bist, dann schau noch einmal im Junge Uni-Lexikon nach!

Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Campus City East 2.0
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn!
Come along and be inspired by the eastern center of the university.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus

Meike Boeschemeyer/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Discover Campus Poppelsdorf LIVE
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Come along and explore your potential place of study with this virtual university tour of the agricultural, mathematics and natural sciences campus in Poppelsdorf.
Tour, Uni, Bonn, Campus

Volker Lannert/ Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Palace to palace LIVE
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn! Take part in the virtual university tour and explore the university from palace to palace.
Uni Bonn, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Uni, Tour

AC Schmitz/Uni Bonn
A day as University student NEW EDITION
by Junge Uni Bonn
Are you wondering what it's like to be a University student?
Well, you've come to the right place.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn

Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go: Campus City East 2.0 LIVE
by Junge Uni Bonn
Welcome to the University of Bonn!
Come along and let yourself be inspired by the eastern center of the university.
Use the technology of your smartphones (search function, maps, etc.) to find out information! For some questions, tips are also provided to help.
Tour, Rallye, Uni, Bonn, Campus

Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn
Uni Bonn to go - Campus Endenich
by Junge Uni Bonn
The Endenich Campus - a campus in transition.
There is a lot going on in Endenich.
The campus is home to institutes of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as areas for technology units and start-ups.
Set off and explore the campus between tradition and innovation.
Have fun!